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By Harley D Rutledge

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While i'm going ^eir I telephoned Ken. in line with our wristwatches, that they had le 181 1973: UFOs within the iciness Months place close to Chaffee a couple of minutes prior to our final sighting. the sunshine should have come very with regards to the sphere during which they'd been viewing. I questioned: had they been found in the sphere, might the item have an identical course? a number of folks within the undertaking who went usually into the sector bought voters band radios to keep up communications either within the box and at different occasions. even if we did not test triangulation measurements, we did arrange viewing stations numerous miles aside to provide us a greater standpoint of the sky. And we equipped really an viewers between vendors of CB radios. authorized operators can't use their names at the air; the Federal Communications fee calls for that all of them use name letters. In perform, notwithstanding, such a lot CB'ers undertake pseudonyms or "handles. " Our team was once no diversified. Bob used to be referred to as "Apollo," the Greco-Roman god, whereas Ken selected an insignificant big name, "Betelgeuse," the pink significant within the shoulder of the constellation Orion. at the beginning, i attempted "Rigel," one other significant celebrity in Orion, yet in the course of stipulations of negative transmission, the observe used to be tricky for a listener to decipher. finally, I selected "Orion," the nice Hunter of Greek mythology. It appeared an amusingly acceptable handle—after all, i used to be a hunter too. The yr 1973 ultimately ended, and used to be said through ufologists because the 12 months of the best alien ship job ever. Our paintings was once slightly pointed out within the literature, and that i most well-liked it that means. but if we have been pointed out, the truck driving force incident used to be frequently pointed out. In 1973 undertaking id had logged a complete of one zero five sightings of 122 UFOs. Ten of those sightings have been a number of alien craft sightings. Of the a hundred and five sightings, 23 have been type A sightings, whereas the opposite eighty two have been category B sightings. notes '' e arl Walker, The Flying Circus of Physics (New York: John Wiley & Sons, 2. j All u 1 nine 7 five ) ' P- eight. (Edition with solutions. ) p Hynek, The alien ship event, a systematic Inquiry (Chicago: Henry "egnery Co. , 1972), Plate 2.

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