Download E-books A Companion to Catullus PDF

During this spouse, overseas students offer a accomplished evaluate that displays the latest traits in Catullan studies.
- Explores the paintings of Catullus, the best Roman ‘lyric poets’
- Provides discussions approximately construction, style, variety, and reception, in addition to interpretive essays on key poems and teams of poems
- Grounds Catullus within the socio-historical global round him
- Chapters problem got knowledge, current unique readings, and recommend new interpretations of biographical evidence
Download E-books Idées romaines PDF

By Georges Dumézil
Depuis trente ans, Georges Dumézil realize l. a. plus ancienne pensée des Romains sous un éclairage doublement nouveau. D'une half beaucoup de suggestions, de kinds divins, de cultes sont le prolongement de représentations et de pratiques déjà indo-européennes, conservées aussi chez d'autres peuples de los angeles famille. D'autre half, les créations, propres à Rome, loin de relever d'une mentalité balbutiante, se situent à un honorable niveau de réflexion. l. a. démonstration d'ensemble a été donnée en 1966 pour les faits proprement religieux, dans los angeles faith romaine archaïque et pour l. a. pseudo-histoire des origines, en 1968, dans Mythe et Épopée, I. Elle doit être étendue à quantité de issues de droit, d'institutions, de traditions, bref à beaucoup d'«idées», et dans l. a. faith même, plusieurs divinités doivent être étudiées de plus près. C'est l. a. matière des trois groupes d'articles, en grande partie récrits, qui forment ce recueil.
Deuxième édition en 1979.
Download E-books Euripides III: Heracles, The Trojan Women, Iphigenia among the Taurians, Ion (The Complete Greek Tragedies) PDF

By Euripides
Download E-books Rhetoric Before and Beyond the Greeks PDF

Examines rhetorical practices in cultures and time sessions that experience obtained little recognition to date.
Focusing on old rhetoric open air of the dominant Western culture, this assortment examines rhetorical practices in Egypt, Mesopotamia, Israel, and China. The publication uncovers trade methods of knowing human habit and explores how those rhetorical practices either mirrored and stimulated their cultures. The essays deal with problems with historiography and lift questions about the appliance of Western rhetorical innovations to those very various historic cultures. A bankruptcy on feedback for instructing every one of those old rhetorics is included.
“…all in all we get a very good figuring out of ways rhetoric functioned in very diverse cultures.” — Bibliotheca Orientalis
"These essays forcefully and engagingly problem the educational ordinary that Athenian rhetoric is foundational. students instructing ‘the classical’ might want to pay shut recognition to the accelerated corpus, and they're going to use this booklet as a relevant textual content in histories of rhetoric classes and as a complement to extra mainstream texts." — Susan Romano, coauthor of Writing in an digital international: A Rhetoric with Readings
Contributors contain Roberta A. Binkley, provide M. Boswell, Richard Leo Enos, William W. Hallo, Paul Y. Hoskisson, Carol S. Lipson, Yameng Liu, Arabella Lyon, David Metzger, C. Jan Swearingen, Deborah Sweeney, James W. Watts, and George Q. Xu.
Download E-books A Companion to the Roman Republic PDF

This Companion presents an authoritative and updated assessment of Roman Republican background because it is presently practiced.
- Highlights fresh advancements, together with archaeological discoveries, clean ways to textual resources, and the outlet up of recent components of ancient study
- Retains the drama of the Republic’s upward push and fall
- Emphasizes not only the proof of texts and actual is still, but additionally the versions and assumptions that students deliver to those artefacts
- Looks on the function performed via the actual geography and atmosphere of Italy
- Offers a compact yet precise narrative of army and political advancements from the start of the Roman Republic via to the dying of Julius Caesar
- Discusses present controversies within the field
Download E-books Histoire de l'éducation dans l'Antiquité, tome 1 PDF

By Henri-Irénée Marrou
Histoire de l'éducation dans l'Antiquité1. Le monde grec« L'éducation homérique, l'éducation spartiate, los angeles pédérastie en tant qu'éducation, l'ancienne éducation athénienne, and so on. Autant d'ensembles bien centrés sur un problème vivant. Rien de stéréotypé. Beaucoup de grosses questions abordées et, sinon résolues, du moins discutées avec pénétration. Pas de pédantisme. Un réel et solide savoir. Le consistent souci de fournir au lecteur le moyen d'en vérifier les assets. D'un mot, un livre éclairant. Capital pour qui veut comprendre, en profondeur, les sociétés de l'Antiquité classique. »Lucien FebvreHenri-Irénée Marrou (1904-1977)Un des grands historiens de l'Antiquité tardive, spécialiste d'Augustin et de l'augustinisme, qui fut aussi critique musical sous le nom d'Henri Davenson. Il a notamment publié, au Seuil, L'Eglise de l'Antiquité tardive (1985) et Saint Augustin et l'augustinisme (2003).
Download E-books Slavery and Society at Rome (Key Themes in Ancient History) PDF

This booklet is ready the lifetime of the slave in classical Roman society and the significance of the establishment of slavery in Roman civilization as a rule. Its major function is to speak, fairly to an undergraduate viewers, the harshness of the establishment, and to exhibit what the event of being a slave at Rome used to be like from a slave's standpoint. The book's significance lies within the incontrovertible fact that it bargains with a subject matter of significant curiosity and is the one complete therapy of Roman slavery at the moment to be had.
Download E-books "Des Choses cachées depuis la fondation du monde" : Recherches PDF

By René Girard, Guy Lefort
Download E-books The Political Theory of Aristophanes: Explorations in Poetic Wisdom PDF

Examines the political dimensions of Aristophanes’ comedian poetry.
This unique and wide-ranging assortment of essays deals, for the 1st time, a entire exam of the political dimensions of that madcap comedian poet Aristophanes. Rejecting the declare that Aristophanes is little greater than an insignificant comic, the participants to this interesting quantity show that Aristophanes merits to be put within the ranks of the best Greek political thinkers. As those essays display, all of Aristophanes’ performs deal with problems with primary political significance, from warfare and peace, poverty and wealth, the relation among the sexes, demagoguery and democracy to the function of philosophy and poetry in political society. obtainable to scholars in addition to students, The Political thought of Aristophanes can be used simply within the school room, yet while function a helpful resource for these engaging in extra complex study. no matter if the sphere is political philosophy, classical experiences, heritage, or literary feedback, this paintings will make it essential to reconceptualize how we comprehend this nice Athenian poet and strength us to realize the political ramifications and underpinnings of his uproarious comedies.
Download E-books La herencia viva de los clásicos: Tradiciones, aventuras e innovaciones PDF

By Mary Beard
“Este libro –nos cube Mary Beard, los angeles más grande figura genuine de los estudios clásicos- es un viaje guiado por el mundo clásico, desde el palacio prehistórico de Knossos, en Creta, hasta el imaginario poblado de Astérix, en las Galias”. En él nos habla de personajes famosos, como Alejandro el Magno o Nerón, pero también de l. a. gente común, de los esclavos, los soldados o los millones de ciudadanos del Imperio que vivían bajo un régimen de ocupación militar. Este libro recupera sus vidas y costumbres; pero su objeto imperative es el de enseñarnos a disfrutar de los angeles riqueza que representa l. a. herencia de los clásicos, donde hay mucho que sigue siendo vivo y palpitante. Un campo del saber que no es sólo tradición, sino también aventura e innovación, donde queda mucho por descubrir y debatir acerca de los más diversos temas: de cuán importante fue realmente Cleopatra, de si Calígula no fue más que un chalado o de cómo se las arreglaron los romanos para adquirir tantos esclavos. “Si los romanos hubieran podido contar en su tiempo con Mary Beard –ha dicho un crítico- conservarían todavía el Imperio”.